
Exhibition booklet no 4
Text: Birgitta Flensburg, Museum Director Norrköpings Konstmuseum, and David Neuman, Director Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall
No of pages: 23

Language: Swedish and English edition
Year: 2003
Translation: Hans Olsson
Graphic design: Givelldesign / Linda Ohlsson


Pling Sounds by Olle Bonniér, 1949

The dots are elusive as roving flies.
Tones don’t come into existence on a dot.
Fumbling along prudently
in precarious gaps: WRONG!
The erroneous rambling
causes crashes among particles
and the sounds PLINGELING spring up.

Can the score from a distance
be perceived as an ‘unpainted monochrome’?
Rather as a brittle Chaos
and thus by mistake creating sounds.
In a reduced sense.

What is right and what is wrong?
‘Right’ one looks to be programmed.
For example, plane and solid geometrical laws.
‘Wrong’ knocks these out of position. Knocks mess up.